Low-Dose Radiation Treatment Offers Hope for Osteoarthritis Patients
LDRT represents an exciting advancement in osteoarthritis treatment, offering hope to patients seeking alternatives or complements to their traditional therapies.
Spectrum Rolling Out Digital Pathology Services
As Spectrum serves patients across various healthcare systems, it recognized an opportunity to pioneer the use of digital pathology in its region to expand the reach of its subspecialist experts and deliver timely results.
Expanding Our Global Healthcare Footprint
Spectrum’s worldwide mission to provide equitable care in action: two Spectrum physicians traveled to Uganda to offer care at a public teaching hospital — and continue collaborating after their return.
Exceptional Anesthesia Care — No Matter Where You Are
Spectrum's Coastal and Southern Anesthesiology divisions offer a unique opportunity to take care of patients in a variety of clinical settings - all in an environment where people value, support, and elevate you.
Spectrum Healthcare Partners Leverages Pramana’s AI-Enabled Scanners to Bring Digital Pathology to Central Maine Healthcare
Advanced digital pathology solution will streamline results for patients and drive workflow efficiencies for pathologists.
Spectrum Pathology: Collaboration That Improves Patient Care
With a shared dedication to innovation, Spectrum and NorDx redefine the pathologist and lab partnership.
Celebrating Women in Medicine Month: A Conversation with Two Spectrum Radiation Oncologists
In a male-dominated specialty, Whitney Beeler, MD, and Sujana Gottumukkala, MD, discuss their passion for radiation oncology: how they chose it, why they feel it's a great fit for women physicians, and how much representation and role models still matter in medicine.
Upgrading and Customizing Technology to Support Radiology Care
Spectrum's partnership between its Northern Radiology division and Northern Light Health has resulted in image identification consistency rates over 90 percent (compared to 30-40 percent) — thanks in part to some careful workflow coding by radiologist Yeang Chng, MD, PhD.
Spectrum Anesthesiologist Investigates the Connection Between Colonoscopy Sedation Type and Polyp Detection
Spectrum anesthesiologist Aurora Quaye, MD, and co-researchers at the New Hampshire Colonoscopy Registry find a notable increase in detection of hard-to-find pre-cancerous colon polyps when propofol deep sedation is used.
Spectrum's Ambulatory Surgery Center Earns Top Recognition from U.S. News and World Report
Spectrum's Ambulatory Surgery Center (ASC) was named Best Orthopedics and Spine ASC by U.S. News and World Report and is the only ASC in Maine to receive this recognition.