The rehabilitation team at Spectrum Orthopaedics consists of four centers located in Brunswick, Portland, Saco, and Windham. The centers collectively employ a dynamic team of 20 physical and occupational therapists, many of whom have advanced training and certification in sports or orthopaedics, or are certified hand therapists.
The rehabilitation team offers diverse services to our patients, including leading treatment modalities such as blood flow restriction therapy and dry needling, as well as many offerings to help individuals prevent injury or maintain musculoskeletal health. Some examples are running assessments, functional movement screens, return to sport assessments, and bike fits. Several therapists specialize in specific sports audiences, such as running and endurance athletes, alpine athletes, disc golfers, rock climbers, and cross-fit athletes. These therapists have immersed themselves in understanding the pathologies commonly associated with these sports as well as their unique movement strategies so that they can develop effective treatments that allow their patients to continue to do what they love doing.
To help promote our rehabilitation services both internally and externally, a PT rack card is now available in all Spectrum Orthopaedics exam rooms for patients to learn more about our services. We are also in the process of creating a thorough listing of all therapists and specialties by location as a reference guide for providers who are making PT referrals.