The Value of Partnering with Us
If you lead a hospital or provider organization, partnering with Spectrum for specialty clinical services can be a smart business decision.
Let’s face it: cuts in reimbursement mean hospitals have to be more efficient than ever and save money without compromising patient care.
Contracting with Spectrum Healthcare Partners to provide high-quality anesthesiology, pain management, pathology, radiation oncology, radiology, or diagnostic and interventional radiology services enables you to do just that.
Here’s how:
You can acquire more specialized clinical expertise
Few small hospitals have the financial resources to hire subspecialists. Radiology is a case in point. If you budget for two radiologists, they’re likely to be generalists.
But when you partner with Spectrum, you gain access to 60+ radiologists who provide the full range of specialty expertise. Using our state-of-the-art PACS system, mammography is read remotely by subspecialists in breast imaging, for example, or CT scans evaluating patients for stroke are read by a neuro-radiologist—regardless of where the patient receives the services.
So, you can extend your hospital’s ability to provide full-service care—even in rural areas—without hiring a full complement of specialty physicians.
You can provide top-quality care—at a lower cost
Spectrum physicians are well regarded locally and nationally. When you partner with us, you can acquire this impressive breadth of expertise at the same or lower cost than if you hired this talent yourself.
How? Because we carefully tailor our contracts to ensure that you pay only for what you need. And based on more than 20 years of experience, we can demonstrate that most of our partner organizations save 10% to 50% over what they’d pay to recruit and retain this level of clinical staff on their own.
You boost your flexibility to configure resources to meet changing market needs
We understand that your community’s healthcare needs can evolve. By contracting with Spectrum for specialty services, you can find the most efficient combination of hospital staff and service providers to meet those needs and your bottom line.
Learn more about how Spectrum can add value to YOUR organization
Let’s schedule a time to talk about your organization’s specialty care needs, and how Spectrum can help you meet them efficiently and cost-effectively. Simply call us at 207.482.7800.